Rosemonde Apata
President of Mafubo Ivory Coast
Of Ivorian origin married and mother of three children, Mrs. Apata Rosemonde Epse BOLI, followed a training in MASTER II Economic Ethics and Sustainable Development and a MASTER I in Ethics and Global Governance at the University Pole of the Research and Action Center for Peace (CERAP) Ivory Coast. Ms. Apata currently works at the Permanent Secretariat of the Global Environment Facility in Abidjan (Ivory Coast).
She has undergone training that combines human rights, conflict management, humanitarian action, gender and protection of women as well as sustainable development. Sensitive to the suffering of women and aware of the possibility of finding solutions, in May 2005 she created the Organization of Women for Actions in Favor of Sustainable Development. Ms. Apata is President of Mafubo Cote d´Ivoire. She fell in love at first sight of Mafubo's vision and mission; this is what she has always advocated for Ivorian women who live in precariousness. Doing so in a network of passionate and determined women is even more enjoyable; by working alone, we may go faster, but by working together, we will go further and we will be more efficient.